Friday, August 30, 2013

Preppy Girls/Going Back to School: What to Wear?

Hi Everyone!  Today I'm starting my blog entitled "Who/What:Wear?"  My own little play on words which reflects the way in which I see each of my clients.  Who are they?  What are they doing in life--for everyday, for special occasions, for work?  And, of course, what should they wear?  A young mom who stays at home with her pre-school aged children needs a completely different type of wardrobe than her counterpart who has kids in high school and works or volunteers outside the home.  And both women require a different approach when one sees herself as essentially 'preppy' while the other defines her style as 'artistic and eclectic.'  

Above is a photo for the Preppy/Sporty Girls who are heading back to class this week or next.  What makes a polo shirt, jean jacket and denim mini stand out and look special?  It's all in the details:  keeping the color scheme red, white, and blue--but tweaking those colors to include navy and orange;  adding colorful patterning (bracelets, shoes) and interesting design elements (denim tipped polo shirt, polka dots on skirt, the fabric flower pinned onto the jacket).  Finally, the fit is of utmost importance especially in Preppy styles which can tend toward a boxy, more masculine cut.  Choose jackets and shirts with contoured side seams, skirts and jeans with lots of stretch.

Happy Back to School!